
MyDocumenta, tech SME based in Barcelona, awarded by the EU as «key innovator», specialized in the development of applications for the cultural, educational and creative sector. Their main products are the IMPROVISA tool to create visual and sound compositions, the Eportfolio Ecosystem, and the Portabily Authoring Tool to create multimedia contents.

Role in the project:

  • Project coordinator
  • Development Module III of the course related to digital tools.
  • Adaptation of the eportfolio and technical support.
  • Corporate image, set-up website, social media
  • Organise a multiplier event

Universidade Aberta is a public distance education university in Portugal. Established in 1988, UAb offers higher education (Undergraduate, Master and Doctorate Degrees) and Lifelong Learning study programs. Since 2008 that all programs are taught in elearning mode, the year that UAb became a European institution of reference in the area of advanced elearning and online learning through the recognition of its exclusive Virtual Pedagogical Model.    

Role in the project:

  • Lead the curriculum design (PR1) for the short learning program
  • Co-create Module 1 and 2 of the course
  • Participate in the project pilots

With a history of more than 60 years, European University Cyprus has grown into a leading academic and research institution in the region with Schools of Medicine, Sciences, Business, Law, and Humanities, Social & Education Sciences and a Distance Education Unit.

Role in the project:

  • Quality leader
  • Lead PR2: Teaching, learning materials & eportfolio
  • Co-create Module 2 of the course
  • Participate in the project pilots
  • Organize a multiplier event

EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona is a private university centre for design and art. Founded in 1967 in Barcelona, it was one of the first design schools in Spain. Since 1994, it is a centre attached to the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Role in the project:

  • Dissemination leader
  • Development Module III of the course related to digital tools.
  • Participate in the project pilots
  • Organize a multiplier event

LABA Valencia. School of Art, Design & New Media


LABA Valencia. School of Art Design & New Media is an associated partner of the ARDES project. LABA Valencia has opened its doors in Spain in the 2021/2022 academic year, offering a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Digital and Multimedia Design and one in Photography and Video.

Role in the project:

  • To launch a call for students and organize an exhibition of the extracurricular design artworks.

ARDES. Short Learning Program of “Art & Design & sustainability with special focus on environment and climate change. 
Cooperation partnerships in higher education.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Ref: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000032193. 
Duration: 28/2/22 – 27/5/2024
Maximum grant: 198.340 €

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